A different approach to health and wellness

Helping you make better

health choices

At Surfing Queensland Retreats, we believe in combining the thrill of surfing with the ​tranquility of a retreat. Our mission is to provide an unforgettable experience for surfers of ​all levels, from beginners to advanced riders. Our retreats will be hosted at various locations ​and offer a perfect blend of stunning natural surroundings and world-class surfing ​conditions.

Breath-work Classes

Under the guidance of skilled ​instructors, you’ll experience conscious ​breathing techniques tailored to deepen ​relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance ​overall well-being.

Lifelong Friendships

Our first retreat witnessed 13 beautiful ​ladies aged 21-67 travel down to the ​iconic Crescent Head. At our retreats we ​can guarantee that you will meet lifelong ​friends and surfing buddies from your ​local area.

Yoga Sessions

From soothing meditative flow to ​energising sequences designed to ​enhance your surfing prowess. Find ​balance and inner peace immersed in ​breathtaking surroundings.

What else to expect?

  • Surf sessions with qualified coaches
  • Surf theory session
  • Video analysis
  • Intention setting/journal session
  • Yoga
  • Breath-work
  • Ice baths
  • Professional photography & videography
  • Goodie packs
  • Nourishing healthy catered food
  • Unlimited tea & coffee


I would 100% do another retreat. The ​Crescent Head Retreat was so much ​fun. I didn’t want to go home!


My goal was to meet new people, reset ​and get better at surfing. My favourite ​part was meeting everyone with all ​different ages & stories.


I came to SQR for the social aspect and ​to try yoga. I am so grateful for the ​friendships and surfing companionship ​created from the retreat.


Surfing queensland ​retreats


Surfing Queensland

07 5520 1165

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